
At Macroword, our prime concern is respecting the terminology, style guides, and directives of the client, while meeting all deadlines. However, for us, quality goes one step further. If we feel that your ideas might be better conveyed in a different way, we will find it. This is what we have done since day 1 of our careers, and any other way is a mystery to us. Research shows that users make the most of software and documentation written in their own language, even if they are fluent in English. They understand and learn it faster, make fewer mistakes, and generate fewer calls to customer support. But not all translations convey the meaning in the same way. We always keep the user in mind while translating and editing, and choose the words and structures that work best to transmit the idea quickly and easily, without needless detours. All of this adds value to your product and ultimately results in cost savings for your company.

However, superb quality delivered behind schedule is useless for any business. Today, IT customers expect their localized product to launch simultaneously with the English version. We take that very seriously and always meet client deadlines.